AUFC’s Instagram

AUFC’s Instagram

In 2023 the Airdrie Urban Farm Collective donated over 300lbs (just under 400!) of fresh produce to the Airdrie Food Bank to help food insecure families in Airdrie, Alberta. In 2024 we hope to double that and more, plus send our volunteers home with fresh 

What I’m Listening To – October 2022

What I’m Listening To – October 2022

This week I’m listening to an amazing podcast about soil health, vermiculture, microbes, fungi, and more with Nicole Masters on the “No Till Market Garden Podcast”. Excellent info in an easy to listen format! Click below to listen to the podcast, or look up the 

What I’m Reading – September 2022

What I’m Reading – September 2022

This week I read a timely blog (as fall is beginning) about transitioning a garden to a no-till system. That means no more turning your beds! This has some huge advantages (and some pitfalls to be aware of). However it requires a mindset shift and 

Gardening and Farming Principles

Gardening and Farming Principles

“Sustainable”, “Organic”, “Regenerative”, “Chemical Free”; all have become buzzwords in the last years, but what do they mean exactly? There’s a lot of information out there, and many of it is questionable, much of it is counterproductive, and yet there’s almost always something to be 

What’s with the black barrel contraption!!!

What’s with the black barrel contraption!!!

If you’ve been by the farm recently, it’s hard to miss the big black wire mesh barrel over by the compost pile. Everyone who sees it seems to stop, scrunch up their face, and wonders out loud what’s going on! The contraption is a Johnson-Su 

Lasagna Garden Beds

Lasagna Garden Beds

Welcome to the Airdrie Urban Farm Collective! We started in the spring of 2021 on about one acre of land in Airdrie that Daybreak Church graciously “donated” long term. The land was previously a soccer field, and hasn’t been used for quite some time, so